Constructing the Meaning of ‘School': An Ethnographic Insight on Student Perspectives on Teachers and Friends


Paramita Sen
Arnab Das
Gopalkrishna Chakrabarti


The present ethnographic account tries to sense the meaning of ‘school' from the perspective of the students. Being the key agency of a school, the students reflect their perception and values during interaction with other agencies (mainly friends and teachers) within school setting. The interaction with other agencies influence their academic practices and educational attainment in one hand, and, shape their views to school. At this juncture, the current endeavor focuses on the impact of the friends and teachers on the students to generate ‘new' and alternative meaning of school.



How to Cite
Sen, P., Das, A., & Chakrabarti, G. (2014). Constructing the Meaning of ‘School’: An Ethnographic Insight on Student Perspectives on Teachers and Friends. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(10). Retrieved from