The Parsis are India's smallest minority community, yet they have exercised a huge influence on the country. They had a long "journey” from Iran to the Western coast of India. The vast majority of the Persian people made compromises with the ruler of the new land. Parsis became very close with British ruling class since they were well -known for their honest and loyal dealings and credible interpersonal skills. Even before the arrival of the British the Parsis had made their mark as middle men for the Portuguese, French and the Dutch traders in Indi


Shashikala Patil


The Parsis are India's smallest minority community, yet they have exercised a huge influence on the country. They had a long "journey” from Iran to the Western coast of India. The vast majority of the Persian people made compromises with the ruler of the new land. Parsis became very close with British ruling class since they were well -known for their honest and loyal dealings and credible interpersonal skills. Even before the arrival of the British the Parsis had made their mark as middle men for the Portuguese, French and the Dutch traders in India. As they got more trading opportunities a substantial number of Parsis moved to Bombay. From then onwards Mumbai or Bombay served as a base for expanding their business activities throughout India and abroad.  As pioneers in education-in nineteenth century India, and as leading figures in banking and commerce, medicine, law and journalism, they were at the forefront of India's industrial revolution. After 1990's the fears of an average Parsi in India are about the homogenizing conservative outfits, like Right wing political parties which treat them as foreign people, exploiters of the nation. This resulted the emigration of the Parsi people in large numbers to western countries.


How to Cite
Patil, S. (2014). The Parsis are India’s smallest minority community, yet they have exercised a huge influence on the country. They had a long "journey” from Iran to the Western coast of India. The vast majority of the Persian people made compromises with the ruler of the new land. Parsis became very close with British ruling class since they were well -known for their honest and loyal dealings and credible interpersonal skills. Even before the arrival of the British the Parsis had made their mark as middle men for the Portuguese, French and the Dutch traders in Indi. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(10). Retrieved from