Combating Political Corruption In India: Issues and Suggestions


Uddagatti Venkatesha


Political corruption in India has its roots in the colonial and feudal order, which is reflected even today in the functioning of the Indian political system. It has maintained a continuum despite the change in political elites and leadership. There is hardly any area of activity that has remained wholly free from the impact of corruption. In fact, political corruption has now been institutionalized and has become a commonly accepted way of life. In India, acceptance of bribes, commissions, under the table payments and gifts by the politicians or the bureaucrats are no longer frowned upon and even subtle ways have been discovered to legitimize them as a part of normal life activities.


How to Cite
Venkatesha, U. (2014). Combating Political Corruption In India: Issues and Suggestions. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(11). Retrieved from