A Comperative and Correlational Study between Defence and Team Athletes: Psychological Health and Piety


Ali Tekin
Melih Calisir
Gulcan Tekin
Cagatay Dereceli


Comparison of religious life and psychological health of athletes in different sport branches was aimed in this study. A total of 360 athletes, 116 female and 244 male, who engaged in a sports branch for at least 2 years, participated voluntarily in the study as the sample. The athletes were divided into two groups by the researcher according to their type of sport and as defence athletes (DAí n= 219; %60,8) and team athletes (TAí n=141; %39,2). Short Symptom Scale by Åžahin and Durak (1994), Religious Life Scale by Åžahin (1999) were used as data collection tools. Parametric independent t-test and Pearson correlation were used for analysis. The significance level was accepted as p<0.05 and the interval confidence as 95%. As the results, level of piety of defence athletes is higher than team athletes; the piety level of female athletes is higher than males. There is not any relation between psychological health and piety



How to Cite
Tekin, A., Calisir, M., Tekin, G., & Dereceli, C. (2014). A Comperative and Correlational Study between Defence and Team Athletes: Psychological Health and Piety. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(11). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/140741