India-Pakistan Bilateral Engagement: Retrospect and Prospect


Sajad Hussain Wani


Since independence both India and Pakistan have proved incapable of resolving their differences. The bilateral relationship has been characterised more by conflict and mutual mistrust  rather than cooperation and mutual friendliness .However, both countries during the  periods of relative cordiality successfully negotiated a number of bilateral agreement which were expected to provide the basis for lasting peace in the region, but each time widespread enthusiasm faded. The positive impact of these developments was diluted by periodic interceptions. Mutual distrust, antagonism and above all the lack of political will to systematically discuss all the differences and how these differences might be ameliorated or accommodated, have always caused a setback to the efforts aimed at the promotion of harmony and cordiality. The paper attempts to explore the following:

  1. a.       It analysis the efforts made by India and Pakistan to bridge their differences.
  2. b.       It examines the forces that made India and Pakistan relations probe to conflict and made their engagement process futile.
  3. c.        An attempt has been made to highlight the main factors which are likely to play most important role in determining the success of bilateral engagement. 


How to Cite
Wani, S. H. (2014). India-Pakistan Bilateral Engagement: Retrospect and Prospect. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(11). Retrieved from