Nutrition Status among 3-5 years Children of Chitwan and Makawanpur Districts of Nepal


Mayanath Ghimire


The proper nutrition for 3-5 years children is mandatory to develop the sound body and sound mind. The study has focused to analyse nutrition status of Chepang and Non-Chepang children of Makawanpur and Chitwan districts of Nepal.

The study was based on cross-sectional descriptive design. The data collected the height, weight, and arm girdle, physical description of children, fooding, breast-feeding and supplementary diet of 1250 children. The data was based on the census study.

In total 53% children participated from Chitwan followed by 47% from Makawanpur district. Similarly 49.3% participants were male followed by 50.7% female. In average height of children was measured 61-121cm in both districts. Similarly, 6-25 weight and 12-26cm thickness of arm was found among children. Feeding of colostrums milk is high among the Chepang than Non-Chepang mothers of both districts. An additional fooding practice was found high among Chepang than Non-Chepang communities.

The average nutritional status of children was found better among Non-Chepang than Chepang. District wise, nutrition status was good in Makawanpur than Chitwan district. Longitudinal study on nutritional practices can explore more in-depth analysis of communities.


How to Cite
Ghimire, M. (2014). Nutrition Status among 3-5 years Children of Chitwan and Makawanpur Districts of Nepal. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(11). Retrieved from