Dimensions of Values in Education


Garima Agarwal


There is a paradigm shift in the field of education when compared to ancient days. There is degradation of values both at the end of those who impart education and those who receive education. Education is aimed at only receiving a certificate or a degree; there is no stress on imparting values. If we go into depth, we find that it is not due to a simple reason, it is due to change in priorities, materialistic priorities and lack of social values. No single individual is responsible for this erosion of values, but the attitude of one and all to follow shortcuts for materialistic success in today's lifestyle is one of the fundamental reasons for this. This article deals with this aspect in some detail.



How to Cite
Agarwal, G. (2014). Dimensions of Values in Education. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(11). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/140760