Sadaat Barha's Relation with Rajputs During the Early Eighteenth Century


Salma Bano


In this paper an attempt has been made to assess Sadaat Barha's relation with Rajputs in the light of Ibrat Namah, written by Mirza Mohd bin Mutamid Khan and other contemporary sources of early eighteenth century. It is a very useful primary unpublished Persian source containing information from the last year of Aurangzeb's reign to the deposition of Furrukh Siyar. I try to focus the relation of Sadaat with Rajputs mainly Raja Jai Singh and Maharaja Ajit Singh. This paper also covers the  informations such as the secret agreement made between Saiyed Husain Ali Khan and Maharaja Ajit Singh, Raja Jai Singh's expedition against Churaman Jat, key role played by Ait Singh in dethroning Emperor Farrukh Siyar and reasons for not having good relation between Sadaat Barhah and Jai Singh. It also contains details for the pinnacle of their power and their end.



How to Cite
Bano, S. (2014). Sadaat Barha’s Relation with Rajputs During the Early Eighteenth Century. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(11). Retrieved from