Analysis of Sericulture in Himachal Pradesh: A Case Study of Kangra District in Himachal Pradesh (India)


Monika Parmar


Sericulture is an art of rearing silkworm from the production of silk and bi product. Sericulture being an agro-based enterprise plays a predominant role in shaping the economic destiny of the rural people and fits very well in India's rural structure, where agriculture continues to be the main industry. Being a labour intensive rural based industry it offers a qualitative and quantitative change in the poverty alleviation with a chain creation of employment from unskilled farm labourers to skill artisans to all sections rural. The study has been undertaken to analysis of sericulture industry in H.P: A Case Study of Kangra District. To find out economics in sericulture industry and problem faced by the rearers, a sample survey was conducted. For this, a well structured questionnaire was constructed and response collected from the 50 rearers from Kangra district of H.P. The finding of this study shows that government should take suitable steps to improve the sericulture industry which automatically improve the standard of living and increase the number of rearers in this activity.


How to Cite
Parmar, M. (2014). Analysis of Sericulture in Himachal Pradesh: A Case Study of Kangra District in Himachal Pradesh (India). The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(12). Retrieved from