The Comparison of Power and Authority of Women in China and Minangkabau Societies


Arif Rohman


The power and authority available for women are very important in measuring the cultural system in each society contains a gender bias or not. This study will examine whether the matrifocal and matrilineal society guarantees gender equality rather than the patriarchal and patrilineal society and to what extent these societies provide power and authority to women in both domestic and public spheres. To support analysis, this article will compare two Asian societies; those are China as a representative of the patriarchal and patrilineal society and Minangkabau as a representative of the matrifocal and matrilineal society. The analysis will be focused on their kinship systems, particularly in the differences in inheritance and descent which affects the role and status of women.


How to Cite
Rohman, A. (2014). The Comparison of Power and Authority of Women in China and Minangkabau Societies. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(12). Retrieved from