Emerging Lacuna of Vision Apropos to Lasting Peace in Nagaland


Shonreiphy Longvah


The Nagas' persistent struggle for political independence has been going on for more than sixty years, older than the Indian independence. The not so audible "Indo-Naga” conflict that cocooned Nagaland with instability, insecurity, chaos and turmoil, has obstructed Nagaland from moving forward towards the path of development and prosperity along with the rest of the world. In order to escape from the vortex of conflict, the Nagas have been searching for a lasting peace. The Naga populace from all age groups and from all walks of life has been suggesting what might possibly form a formidable step towards building harmonious socio-political environment in Nagaland. This research manuscript analyses the emerging gap of vision among the Naga public on the roadmap to lasting peace in Nagaland.


How to Cite
Longvah, S. (2014). Emerging Lacuna of Vision Apropos to Lasting Peace in Nagaland. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(12). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/140783