Analysis of Cost and Return in Cowpea Production : A Case Study Guyuk Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria


Jimjel Zalkuwi
Comfort Yusuf
Asabe Ibrahim


This study was designed to carry out a profitability analysis of the cowpea production in Guyuk Local Government Area of Adamawa state. The data were collected through the administration of 100 questionnaires using purposive and simple random sampling technique. Descriptive statistics and budgetary technique analysis were the analytical tools used. The result shows that most of the cowpea producer 86 % were aged between 20-49 years, while about 85 % of cowpea farmers had between 5-15 years of experience in cowpea production. Most of the farmers 80 % had one form of formal education or the other with males dominating the business. The computed gross margin and net farm income were(N54,765.22) and( N52,414.32) respectively for cowpea production, which indicate that cowpea production is profitable in the area. Major problem identified were, pests and diseases, variability in rainfall, lack of storage facility, and shortage/high cost of inputs. Recommendations were directed toward research development of pesticides to prevent and control pest and disease, access to subsidized farm input and making credit facilities accessible and affordable.


How to Cite
Zalkuwi, J., Yusuf, C., & Ibrahim, A. (2014). Analysis of Cost and Return in Cowpea Production : A Case Study Guyuk Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(12). Retrieved from