Revision of Labour Laws & Employment Generation


Madhukar N. Kulkarni
Shaikh Juned Saoud


One of the major reasons for stagnation in the industrial sector and the unattractiveness of the Indian business, which deters the foreign investors, is said to be the antiquated labour laws which are highly complex and outdated. In view of the urgent need to create employment there is a growing need for investments in the industries especially manufacturing sector, the labour laws need to be revised so that the FDI will rejuvenate industries and create employment for youth. The Government of India has taken baby steps in revising the labour laws and making them simple in terms of filing returns online and reducing the complexity in compliance with the law. However yet major steps need to be taken to revise the labour laws in tunes with times. This paper focuses on the step by step action taken and to be taken in line with the thinking of transforming the industrial sector investor friendly to meet the growing needs of job creation and to meet the mission of "MAKE IN INDIA” of the Government.



How to Cite
Kulkarni, M. N., & Saoud, S. J. (2014). Revision of Labour Laws & Employment Generation. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(12). Retrieved from