Impact of Workers' Participation in Management on Productivity and Job Satisfaction in Sugar Industry of Haryana


Kuldeep Singh


It is well accepted that the workers' participation in management affect job satisfaction, productivity and positive work environment in the organization. The main intention of this study was to find the impact of workers' participation in management on job satisfaction and productivity in the sugar industry in Haryana. The impact on job satisfaction is determined through satisfaction with the work itself; followed by the satisfaction from wpm policy, motivation by supervisors, working hours and satisfaction from reward policy. The impact on productivity is assured through definite Schedule, better training, better quality, clarity of instructions, low machine breakdown, capable supervision and low rate of absenteeism.


How to Cite
Singh, K. (2015). Impact of Workers’ Participation in Management on Productivity and Job Satisfaction in Sugar Industry of Haryana. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(11). Retrieved from