Spanish Interpretations of the American Presidency


Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio
Isabel Marí­a Garcí­a Conesa


This paper aims at presenting the different interpretations, views, and images given between the United States and Europe along the 20th century history from the Spanish perspective. Nowadays, almost all of us are very much aware of the importance of maintaining proper channels of communication between sides, the United States and the Old Continent.

But has it always been like this? Have the American presidents and their administrations along the 20th century been as much concerned and worried about their public image and interpretations and valuations offered to Europe as they seem to be nowadays? The bare answer is no.

What we therefore intend to explain is how different the image given to Europe by the different American presidents has been, whether Republican or Democrat, along 20th century history. By merely skimming out this paper, we will be able to check out how much, in some instances, or how little, in some others, the American presidents dared for the relations with their European counterparts, and were concerned about the images and perceptions offered or given.


How to Cite
Rubio, A. D. J., & Conesa, I. M. G. (2015). Spanish Interpretations of the American Presidency. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 3(11). Retrieved from