Attitudes of Students towards Religious Issues: Do Demographics Characteristics Matter?
This study focused on the attitudes of senior high school students in the Eastern region of Ghana towards religious issues. Again, the demographic characteristics (gender, subjects studied, type of school, environment, age, ethnicity and religious affiliation) that influence and predict these attitudes towards religious issues were also determined. The quantitative descriptive cross-sectional survey was employed using a questionnaire (Mensah's attitude scale for measuring social, moral and religious issues) with a reliability coefficient of .891 to collect data from 900 senior high school students. These students were selected from 30 out of 93 senior high schools in the region. Data collected were analysed with the help of SPSS version 23. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools like frequency counts, percentages, means and standard deviation, Factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Multiple regression were used for data analysis. It was found that students in senior high schools in the Eastern region exhibited positive attitudes towards religious issues. Also, it was found that their demographic characteristics have significant influence and predict their attitudes. It was recommended that both teachers and the National
Council for Curriculum and Assessment should strive to always consider the characteristics of learners when developing their lessons or planning the curriculum.