Examining the Sustainability of Ethiopia's Embryonic Territorial Claim on the Ilemi Triangle


James Kiprono Kibon


This article puts into context the emergent territorial ambition by Ethiopia on parts of the Ilemi Triangle. It generally argues that a country's claim in a territorial dispute depends on the strengths and weaknesses associated with its claim. The success of a country's claim in a territorial dispute is thus, dependent on the inherent strengths in terms of the extent to which it demonstrates the existence of conditions that confers title to territory. The proposition is relevant to Ethiopia's burgeoning claim on the Ilemi Triangle. Based on the above thesis, this article argues that Ethiopia's claim on Ilemi Triangle is anchored on weak grounds. In addition, this article views the existence of recognized boundaries with Kenya and South Sudan as putting into abeyance Ethiopia's claim in the Ilemi Triangle. The article maintains that the issue at stake between Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan boundaries is one of delimitation and demarcation of the tri-junction border. The weakness of Ethiopia's territorial claim on Ilemi Triangle notwithstanding, its continuation is set to compound its resolution. This article is arranged into several themes. The article begins with a thesis on the nexus between territorial disputes and claims as well as the conceptual issues of territorial and boundary disputes. It then explores Ethiopia's historical and emergent claims on the Ilemi Triangle. The issue of the tri-junction border and its nexus with the Ilemi Triangle border dispute is extensively explored and so are the inherent weaknesses of Ethiopia's territorial claim. Lastly, the article highlights some of the implications of Ethiopia's emergent claim on the resolution of the disputed territory. In terms of methodology, this study relied mainly on desk research entailing analysis of secondary data inherent published works of various scholars.


How to Cite
Kibon, J. K. (2019). Examining the Sustainability of Ethiopia’s Embryonic Territorial Claim on the Ilemi Triangle. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 7(8). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijhss/2019/v7/i8/HS1908-035