Unraveling the ‘Reading-Research' Meaning and Application Puzzle


Denis Tushabomwe


Purpose of the paper- There is conceived confusion on the meaning and let alone application of the two concepts-reading and research. Severally, reading has been mistaken for research and research for reading, in meaning and application, to the effect that the understanding, application and achievement of objectives intended in using the two terms have alwaysgone awry. The purpose of this paper is to clear the mystification. The ultimate aim is to help both students and researcher the confusing strand surrounding the two concepts, and be able to understand why, how, and when each is used, in the knowledge production process.Design/ methodology/approach- The methodology adopted in writing this paper is the literature-based analysis of concepts about reading and research, with focus on meaning and aim, and their use/ application in which two perspectives-the academic and development perspectives are developed.Findings- The two concepts ‘reading' and ‘research' differ in their meaning and partly aim. The word ‘partly' here reserves space for the fact that one (reading) complements the other (research) in application, and the reverse is never true. Reading constitutes research and is part of the research process. To qualify for this, reading must be with an aim which must not be pleasure-driven, but directed at producing results that close the gap between the known and unknown. The study therefore establishes that ‘reading for pleasure' is ‘reading' while ‘reading for research' is part of the research process, whose aim and focus transcends mere looking at/into written material to include discovering the logical connection and hidden meaning in words, so that valid inferences /conclusions and recommendations are derived.


How to Cite
Tushabomwe, D. (2014). Unraveling the ‘Reading-Research’ Meaning and Application Puzzle. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 2(7). Retrieved from https://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/147410