Public Participation, Resource Allocation, Politcal Parties and Government Policy on Economic Development in Kenya: A Case Study of Kajiado County, Kenya


Olive Kawira Itunga


The study aims at analyzing the link between public participation, resource allocationand political parties on economic development of Kajiado County. The objectives of the study are: to evaluate the influence of public participation on economic development in Kajiado county; to analyse the influence of resource allocation on economic development withinKajiado county; to understand the role of political parties in economic development in Kajiado county. Furthermore, the study has drawn lessons from three theories. That is the neoclassical theory, the Elite and class theory, and the Resource-Based Theory. The target population of the study encompasses 10,789 county government employees. Consequently, Fishers formula is used to arrive at (384) respondents who were randomly sampled as respondents. The data collected from the successful questionnaires, was coded, organized and evaluated using SPSS which includes regression and correlation. The study concludes that public participation, resource allocation and political parties do have positive and significant correlation on economic development in Kajiado County. The study recommends that the government should build context-based methods for allowing public participation; the governments should also consider mapping out resources and conducting cost benefit analysis of the projects being implemented by the government.


How to Cite
Itunga, O. K. (2019). Public Participation, Resource Allocation, Politcal Parties and Government Policy on Economic Development in Kenya: A Case Study of Kajiado County, Kenya. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 7(10).