Perspectives on the Role of Media Ethics in the Kenyan Print Media Landscape


Yobesh M. Onwong'a
Phyllis Bartoo


This study explores critical perspectives on the role of media ethics in the Kenyan print media landscape. In Kenya, the media plays an important role as a whistleblower. The media's, characterization as the fourth estate is critical of the role it plays to oversight the government. The Kenya print media is fast becoming a strong pillar in championing democracy, the rule of law and keeping the government of the day in check. However, the watchdog role has come into sharp focus following inaccurate reportage that has led to defamation cases being filed in court. In order to avoid defamation suits, the print media should uphold high ethical standards, seek the whole truth and ensure fair and balanced reporting. This paper concludes that media ethics is critical in ensuring that the print media remains socially responsible in dissemination of information to the public. This paper recommends that print media journalists should adhere to professional ethics as enshrined in the code of conduct for the practice of journalism in Kenya.


How to Cite
Onwong’a, Y. M., & Bartoo, P. (2019). Perspectives on the Role of Media Ethics in the Kenyan Print Media Landscape. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 7(10).