Land Resource Conflicts and Its Link to Cattle Rustling Along the Borders of Baringo County, Kenya: Causes, Effects and Possible Remedies


Dr. Kimosop Esther


The author states that land resource conflicts have been the main destabilizer in human history all over the world due to either dominance or forceful acquisition, or cultural norms and traditions .The main resource conflicts in question are: water, pasture which has propelled cattle rustling and raiding. The areas of concern are the borders of Baringo: West Pokot, Marakwet, Turkana and Samburu Counties which have been known to experience frequent cattle raids. Two main questions: Why resource conflicts and how can they be eliminated once and for all and will identify the issues determining pastoralist conflicts citing recent cases of these conflicts. These are the major issues to be handled in the paper. Its effects are discussed, and the paper concludes by recommending possible alleviations.


How to Cite
Esther, D. K. (2019). Land Resource Conflicts and Its Link to Cattle Rustling Along the Borders of Baringo County, Kenya: Causes, Effects and Possible Remedies. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 7(11).