The Position of United Nations on Human Rights Violations in Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood


Rahaf Ghaleb Almaghareez
Amin Ali Alazzam


Israel has committed many serious crimes against Palestinians, in general, and Jerusalemites in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, in particular. Unjustified demolition orders, restrictions on residence permits, discriminatory building regulations, violence, and intimidation by settlers are all examples of Israeli measures that put the residents in East Jerusalem under tremendous pressure. This study aims to clarify the violations of human rights and violations committed by Israel against the residents of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, in Jerusalem, in addition to investigating the role of the United Nations regarding the Israeli violations of human rights in the Sheikh Jarrah area, such as issuing evacuation orders for the Palestinians. Further, the study clarifies the international community's position and its role in stopping or limiting these violations. The researchers hypothesize that Israel violates international law without any sign of deterrence from the international community, represented by the United Nations. This research highlights the positions of international organizations regarding these violations, along with legal texts, press releases, and official publications that show that the UN's position has not gone beyond condemning the Israeli's atrocities against the Palestinian people, calling these actions illegal and a violation to the international conventions. Also, the UN has considered the confiscation of land by Israel as a violation of international humanitarian law because this action contradicts Security Council Resolution No. 2334, which called on Israel to stop settlements in the occupied territories, including East Jerusalem. The study recommends that the United Nations take more serious measures toward the Israeli occupation because of the Israeli's failure to comply with the resolutions issued by the Security Council and the United Nations that required Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories, including East Jerusalem.


How to Cite
Almaghareez, R. G., & Alazzam, A. A. (2022). The Position of United Nations on Human Rights Violations in Sheikh Jarrah Neighborhood. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 10(8). Retrieved from