Study of Farmers’ Characteristics and Land Utilization to Develop Synergistic and Productive Collaboration


Ndan Imang
Sri Wahyuningsih
Henny Pagoray


Kutai National Park (the so-called TNK) is the largest National Park in East Kalimantan and contains various natural and biological resources. However, the condition and function of TNK have been increasingly degraded due to encroachment by the community since the 1980s until now, especially along the left and right of the Bontang-Sengatta Main Road. Several ethnic groups that opened the TNK area are Bugis (since the 1980s), Dayak, especially Dayak Kenyah (since 2007) and various other ethnic groups such as Kutai, Toraja, etc. 2007. The land that is controlled is generally planted with oil palm, dryland rice, rubber, durian and mixed gardens.

From a forestry perspective, the presence of these settlers is considered "illegal" because they are opening up forest areas. However, the community also argues that they need land for farming and gardening that has good access to the city because, so far, they have lived in villages that are far from the city.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a study of all parties/stakeholders who are active in the TNK Area to identify the activities and programs of each party. The aim is to formulate a Collaboration Pattern between the parties so that settlers can increase their economic level and the functions of the TNK are maintained and sustainable. The research was conducted in September and October 2023. The research location was Kutai National Park, with the object of the community living in the TNK area, especially those on the left and right of the Bontang-Sengatta main road. The data source or respondents were settler respondents representing the Bugis, Dayak, Banjar, Kutai, and Toraja ethnic groups. Other sources of information are the Head and Staff of the TNK Office, Sub-district Head, Village Head/Lurah in the research area and surveys of the research objects. The data analysis used was descriptive qualitative.

Research results showed that the number of settlers who opened this area is not known for sure, but based on the area of ​​land opened, it is estimated to be 250-350 people. The allocation of land use is divided into 3 stages where in Stage 1 all land is opened for fields, in Stage 2 some are planted with fruits and some for farming and some are not planted with anything (diberokan), and Stage 3 is maintenance of fruit plants. Some collaborative programs between TNK and settlers have already been concluded in this research.


How to Cite
Ndan Imang, Sri Wahyuningsih, & Henny Pagoray. (2024). Study of Farmers’ Characteristics and Land Utilization to Develop Synergistic and Productive Collaboration . The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 12(8). Retrieved from