The Development of the Entrepreneurship Mindset for Vocational High School Student in Term of Technology by Learning Productive Side of Industry, Vocational Skill and Locus of Control


Djoko Suwito
Amat Mukhadis
Dwi Agus Sudjimat
Rudy Soenoko


The aim of this research is to know direct correlation between: 1) The implementation of practical work(X2)with the vocational skill of vocational high school student (Z1), 2) The implementation in learning machinery in industry  (X2) with Locus of Control of vocational high school student (Z2), 3) The Vocational skill of vocational high school student (Z2) with the entrepreneurship mindset of vocational high school student (Y1) and 4) Locus of Control of vocational high school student (Z1) with the entrepreneurship mindset of vocational high school student (Y1). The method which is used for processing data is developing the quality correlation in hypothesis and tested with zero hypothesis stating that regression coefficient among the relationship of two constructs is not different from zero by test-t such as in regression analysis. The research outcome shows that there is correlation significantly between X2 – Z1 with p-value 0,000 dan CR 0.787, X2 – Z2 with p-value 0,01 (> 0,05)and CR 0.558, Z2 – Y1 with p-value 0,016and CR 0.629, Z1 – Y1 with p-value 0,005 (< 0,05)and CR 1.423.Practical work can make vocational skill and locus of control perfectly as provision to get the job in business and industry sectors.


How to Cite
Suwito, D., Mukhadis, A., Sudjimat, D. A., & Soenoko, R. (2017). The Development of the Entrepreneurship Mindset for Vocational High School Student in Term of Technology by Learning Productive Side of Industry, Vocational Skill and Locus of Control. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 5(11). Retrieved from