Evaluation of the Effect of Agro Waste Formulated Compost from Goat Dropping on the Germination of Different Seeds


Alisa O. Christopher
Anukam N. Basil
Ogukwe N. Chinweizu
Chinweuba J. Arinze
Uba O. Bright


Agricultural wastes are often managed poorly because of the limited access to disposal facilities, hence most of agricultural wastes are burned or incinerated. One way that helps maintain the sustainability of agro-ecosystems land is the application of compost because it can recover and maintain the soil nutrients. Composting is a method for preparing organic fertilizers and it is economically and ecologically sound. In this work, the effects of agro waste compost made from goat droppings was studied to ascertain its effects on the germination of ten different seeds for seven weeks. Standard methods were used both in sample and material preparation.From the results of the germination index, cucumber rose from 30.22 at the beginning to 1148.4 after seven weeks. Cabbagefrom 211.9 to 185.92, Soya bean from 94.87 to 435, millet; 32.57 to 150. Tomato; 0 to 81, maize;160 to 209, wheat; 900 to 400, Sorghum 30.56 to 169, and no value for both Rice and Onions.Their vigor index values increased as the week progresses. There was over 80% increase in the germination index of the seeds, and staggering rise in the values of the vigor index.There, for the fact that germination index and vigor index increased it shows that the compost is matured and good and has the ability to increase the germination rate as well as make the seeds to produce normal seedlings.              


How to Cite
Christopher, A. O., Basil, A. N., Chinweizu, O. N., Arinze, C. J., & Bright, U. O. (2020). Evaluation of the Effect of Agro Waste Formulated Compost from Goat Dropping on the Germination of Different Seeds. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 8(12). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijst/2020/v8/i12/ST2012-001