Design and Implementation of a Unified Identity Number System in Nigeria Using Object Oriented Programming Approach


Ukabuiro Ikenna Kelechi
Onwubiko Davidson Chisom


This study covers the exploration of the integrity of the national identification system in Nigeria, and thus, helps to minimize the existence of multiple forms of identities with the aid of a unified resident's identification number system that will provide a platform that links all existing identities of residents as well as providing each resident with a unique identity number. The system provides ease of access to all citizens identification registry. This system is an android based system developed and implemented with XML and java programming language. Firebase database was deployed as the database engine because of real time features. OOADM (object-oriented analysis and design methodology) was used as the choice of methodology because it is the best choice for web-based and android applications. Simple front-end validation was used to authenticate users' entry (input of invalid characters). Google authenticator served as the third-party random number generator for the new unique identity number.


How to Cite
Kelechi, U. I., & Chisom, O. D. (2021). Design and Implementation of a Unified Identity Number System in Nigeria Using Object Oriented Programming Approach. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 9(7).