Quantification and Comparison of Fractal Geometry of Complex Flow Patterns of Rock Analogue, Rock Analogue Mixed with Salt and Rock Analogue Which Flows around Marker Pens


Wilson, Matthew Coffie


The main aim of this research is to quantify and compare the different rock analogues through complex flow patterns. The specific objectives to achieve this aim are to: reveal the sort of fractures to be developed in the complex flow; determine the effect of salt inclusion in the complex flow pattern and the flow pattern around a physical property (pens), and also deduce the significance to geology. Higher viscosity and higher density thus produced larger cracks or fractures and vice-versa. The Df values for the fractures or cracks with salt (averagely 1.60) corresponds better to the Df values of Takayasu, Hirata, Barton and that of the general Df data for geophysics, than the Df values of the mixture of starch and water (1.62) and the Df values affected by the physical property such as pen. However, the Df values for the fractures of the mixture of starch and water which flowed around the pens (averagely 1.61) relate better than that of the mixture of only water and starch (averagely 1.62). It may thus be inferred that any additional property to the mixture of starch and water reduces the fractal dimension.


How to Cite
Coffie, W. M. (2021). Quantification and Comparison of Fractal Geometry of Complex Flow Patterns of Rock Analogue, Rock Analogue Mixed with Salt and Rock Analogue Which Flows around Marker Pens. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 9(11). https://doi.org/10.24940/theijst/2021/v9/i11/ST2111-010