Effect of Basketball Specific Training and Traditional Method of Training on Agility, Explosive Power and Passing Ability of Inter Collegiate Women Basketball Players


S. Parimalam
Dr. A. Pushparajan


The intention of the present investigation was to find out the effect of basketball specific training and traditional method of training on agility, explosive power and passing ability of inter-collegiate women basketball players. To achieve the purpose of the study 60 inter-collegiate women basketball players from Bharathiar University affiliated colleges Tamilnadu, India were volunteered to participate in this study. They were randomly assigned into three groups equally. Each group consisted of 20 subjects. The three groups were named as follows, the experimental group-I named as a basketball specific training group (BSTG), experimental group-II named as the traditional method of training group (TMTG) and control group-III. After assigning the subjects into various groups the pre test was conducted on the selected variables of agility, explosive power and passing ability. After completion of the pre test, the subjects were treated with their respective training program. Training period was scheduled for twelve weeks. Experimental group-I (BSTG) underwent a basketball specific training programme, experimental group-II (TMTG) underwent traditional method of training programme (that is the subjects in TMTG were asked not to change their normal basketball game practice and in particular their own conditioning and training programme) and control group-III (CG) did not practice any specific training. After 12 weeks of the training period post test was conducted on the dependent variables of agility, explosive power and passing ability for all the three groups. To analyze the treatment effect of training paired‘t' ratio was used. To compare the significance of mean differences among all the three groups analysis of covariance was used. Results: The basketball specific training group significantly improved (P<0.05) the selected variables of agility, explosive power and passing ability better than the traditional method of training. Traditional method of training group significantly improved (P<0.05) the selected variables of agility, explosive power and passing ability better than the control group. The control group did not show any significant improvement on the selected variables. Conclusion: Based on the results it was concluded that the implication of multi components training programme specific to the basketball game might have been the source of its dominance on the improvement of agility, explosive power and passing ability of the women basketball players.
