Nasal Rhinosporidiosis: A Case Report


Dr. Upasana Bhumbla
Dinesh Raj Mathur


Rhinosporidiosis is a chronic granulomatous disease affecting the mucous membrane of mostly the nasopharynx and oropharynx and less commonly the conjunctiva and external genitalia. It is caused by Rhinosporidium seeberi which was previously considered to be a fungus. However, recent molecular studies have placed it in a novel group of aquatic parasites of the class Mesomycetozoea.We reported a 55 year old, agriculturist who suffered with chronic nasal obstruction and epistaxis since 1 yr. On diagnostic nasal endoscopy, a strawberry like friable mass in left nostril, attached to the septum was seen. A 10% KOH under 40 x magnifications showed several sporangia of various sizes containing numerous sporangiospores suggestive of rhinosporidiosis.
