Single Parenting and Adjustment Problems of Adolescents in Anambra State


Dr. Chujor J. Chujor
Obiaga Peter Bosa


This study investigated single parenting and adolescents' adjustment problems. 3 research questions and 3 research hypotheses were designed and formulated for the purpose of the study. The research design for the study was descriptive survey. A sample size of one thousand (1000) respondents were drawn from adolescents who have single parents living in Awka and Idemili towns in Anambra State. Instrument for data collection was an adapted version of Reynolds‘s adolescent adjustment screening inventory. Mean, standard deviation and Independent samples t-test were used for the data analyses. The result of the study showed that irrespective of gender, location, and SES, there was no statistically significant influence of single parenting on adolescents adjustment problems. Conclusion and recommendations were made
