Pros and Cons of Migration in Punjab


Kamaljit Rai


In this paper I have discussed the pros and cons of migration from other states to Punjab. The problems faced by them, their rootlessness and the changing economic status of poor families in their hometowns are discussed with reference to the state of Punjab. The migrants go through teething troubles after coming to a new place, face a lot of sociological and psychological dilemmas which sometimes breaks them and sometimes saves them. The economic help which they send to their home state is used by them for development of their homes and families but the state in which they have migrated faces more crime, more illiteracy, more population and more problems of employment. The local population loses the job opportunities while the migrants grab the opportunity with both hands and are exploited by the rich landowners and industrialists and given low wages. They are subjected to inhuman and unhygienic conditions and are exploited physically, mentally, psychologically as well as sexually. 
