RDH in Encrypted Images by Reserving Room before Encryption


Deepak Godse
Suvarna Lokhande
Madhuri Bhagwat
Suyog Kandekar


For several years, the protection of multimedia data is becoming very important. The protection of this multimedia data can be done with encryption or data hiding algorithms. To decrease the transmission time, the data compression is necessary. Recently, more and more attention is paid to reversible data hiding (RDH) in encrypted images, since it maintains the excellent property that the original cover can be Loss lessly recovered after embedded data is extracted while protecting the image contents confidentiality.

All previous methods embed data by reversibly vacating room from the encrypted images, which may be subject to some errors on data extraction and/or image restoration.

In this project, we propose a novel method of reserving room before encryption with a traditional RDH algorithm, and thus it is easy for the data hider to reversibly embed data in the encrypted image.

The proposed method can achieve real reversibility, that is, data extraction and image recovery are free of any error.
