India -Pakistan; the Process of Conflict Resolution


Mushtaq Ahmad Mir
Nisar Ahmad Sheikh


Indeed Asia's ugliest unsolved problem has been the constant bad relation between India and Pakistan instead of devoting all their resources to the economic development both countries  have spent millions of rupees on defence against each other. If they would have acted together, it could have made a very valuable contribution to the maintaining of international peace. But because of their perennial dispute, they have been pushed into an antagonism that threatens the peace and prosperity of whole south Asia and in turn constitutes a grave menace to international peace and security the most important area of crises between India and Pakistan had indeed been Kashmir question for Pakistan  Kashmir constitutes its jugular vein and for India  Kashmir is the core of Indian nationalism. Despite their hostile relations certain periods in India Pakistan relations witnessed deep engagement. The present paper entitled "India Pakistan the Process of Conflict Resolution” Is designed to examine the process of conflict resolution in light of Kashmir conflict and its long term consequences.
