Earthworm Meal as Cost Effective Artificial Diet for Mass Rearing of Cryptolaemus Montrouzieri (Mulsant), a Biocontrol Agent


Gayathri Devi S. S.
Radha D. Kale


First time Earthworm meal powder was used as an artificial diet for mass rearing of Cryptolaemus montrouzieri (Mulsant) an excellent Biocontrol agent against mealybugs. Cent percent mortality was noticed with 1st and 2nd instars when grubs treated individually and as pairs per box. There was 61.33% pupation in 3rd instar and 78.00% in 4th instar grubs when left singly in containers. When allowed in pairs per box, there was increase in percent pupation of 3rd (68.33%) and 4th (82.33%) instar grubs. adult emergence was observed to be 80-90% in both the treatments. To overcome the mortality in early instars, it is essential to look for supplementing the earthworm meal with micronutrients, aminoacids and fatty acids.
