Present Day Relevance of the Karmayoga of Bhagavad Gita


Bhaskar Jha


In the battle-field of Kuruksetra, after looking his relatives such as Bhisma, Drone etc. in the side of his enemy, Arjuna expressed his desire that he is not ready to fight. Then Lord Krishna gave him the advice of Gita. We find all the essences of Upanisadas in the Gita. Lord Krishna told that the advices are not new. Many years ago, He gave this advice to Vivaswan, Vivaswan again gave it to Manu and Manu gave it to Iksaku. As Arjuna is the friend of Lord Krishna, so He is going to give this advice to Arjuna. As Upanisadas, Gita and Brahmansutra are the three pillars of Hinduism, so these are altogether called Prasthanatrayi. It is said that, family men can attain liberation by following these three sastras.

In the one hand, there is true reality and in the other hand, there is the tension between merit and demerit. Man becomes confused in such a situation and here the Gita tries to show him the right path. The world is full of violence. To establish peace in the world, man should follow the niskama karmayoga of Gita. In this paper I shall explain the relevance of niskama karmayoga of Gita. Whether niskama karmayoga is applicable in the present day society or not, is also explained here.
