The Effect of Ethno Science Approach and Critical Thinking Ability to the Learning Outcomes in the Fungi Matter of the X Grade Senior High School Students


Wuri Damayanti
Diana Vivanti Sigit
Rusdi .


This study was purposed to determine the effect of ethno science approach and critical thinking ability on the learning of fungi matter. Ethno science approach was a strategy for creating learning environments and designing learning experiences that integrated culture as part of the learning process. Crititical thinking ability was the ability of everyone to think organizedly in seeing and solving existing problems by connecting all aspects to evaluate the possibilities that existed. This ability would improve a deep understanding, create meaningful learning, and lead to increased learning outcomes. This study used a quasi-experimental method with a 2 x 2 research design. The data of this research were collected by using the instruments of Fungi matter test results and critical thinking tests. The research sample were 14 students of the X grade students. The results of data analysis showed that the data were normally distributed in each experiment and homogeneous in each group as amount as 0.393. The results of the study showed 1) learning approach had an influence toward learning outcomes 2) critical thinking ability had no effect toward learning outcomes 3) learning approach and critical thinking ability did not have significant interaction toward learning outcomes.
