Assessment of FinTan Innovative Pedagogy Model in Enhancing Student Co-Creation Behaviour in Selected Higher Learning Institutions in Tanzania


Lidya Joseph Mushi
Dr. Victorini Salema
Dr. Efraim Michael Kosia


The study assessed the FinTan Innovative Pedagogy Model in enhancing students' co-creation behaviour in three Higher Education Institutions in Tanzania. The study was guided by the Boyor Model, and a convergent research design under a mixed research approach was employed. The target population was three higher learning institutions, 210 lecturers, 700 students, and 9 team leaders who were beneficiaries of the FinTan innovative pedagogy model. A stratified random and purposive sampling technique was used to draw the sample for the study, which consisted of 327 respondents. Questionnaires and interview guide instruments were used to collect data that was validated by researchers and evaluation expertise from the MWECAU faculty of education and Cronbach's Alpha was used to ensure reliability. Interview guides were validated by evaluation expertise; trustworthiness and triangulation were used for reliability. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and presented using tables, while qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The study found that lecturers and students plan outreach activities together; however, the mean scores of lecturers differed on how FinTan enhances co-creation behaviour among students. The study recommended that FinTan should be used to develop co-creation behaviours to enhance skills among students.
