Organizational Culture and Project Team Performance in Non Governmental Organization in Rwanda: A Case Study of Water-Aid Organization in Kigali


Gladys Uwineza
Mbabazi Mbabazize
Jaya Shukla


This study was conducted on the influence of organizational culture on project team performance in NGOs using a specific reference of Water Aid organization in Kigali, Rwanda. The specific objectives of the study was; to investigate the influence of control on project team performance in Water Aid-organization in Kigali-Rwanda; to examine the influence of reward criteria on project team performance in Water Aid-organization in Kigali-Rwanda and to analyze the influence of risk tolerance on project team performance in Water Aid-organization in Kigali-Rwanda. The study adopted a cross sectional research design where questionnaires, interviews, FGDS and documentary analysis was used to collect data from team members, project managers and team leaders.

The study findings indicated that organizational control has a significant influence on project team performance in Water Aid Organization in Kigali-Rwanda. This is because most of the responses that were put forward to respondents were strongly agreed and agreed by majority of the respondents and these were indicated by higher means.

On Contrary, from the FGDs conducted, it was crystal clear that most of the discussants didn't believe that Water Aid Organization managers were risk tolerant, they wholesomely disagreed that risk tolerance in Water Aid Organization had not impacted on project team performance.

It is in this context that we analyze risk tolerance correctly and understand some managers' ability for risk-taking. Therefore, given the fact that most of the responses and respondents were in support of the view that risk tolerance was being practiced and part of the organizational culture Water Aid Organization, it is purely true that this can improve on project team performance.


How to Cite
Uwineza, G., Mbabazize, M., & Shukla, J. (2015). Organizational Culture and Project Team Performance in Non Governmental Organization in Rwanda: A Case Study of Water-Aid Organization in Kigali. The International Journal of Business & Management, 3(10). Retrieved from

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