> ISSN 2321-9203
> Area: Humanities & Social Science
> Access: Open Access (OA)
> Frequency: Monthly
> Language: English
> Review Process: Double - Blind Peer Review
> Indexing: Global
> DOI Prefix by Crossref: 10.24940
> Impact Factor: 0.981 (IIFS)
> Certificate for Publication
> Publisher: Globeedu Group (ISO 9001:2015) 
> 'Call For Paper' October Issue, 2024 Submit Paper

‘The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies' (ISSN 2321 – 9203) is a monthly peer reviewed open access academic international journal of humanities & social science and this is independent of its kind that inspires up-to-date research endeavour from research territory, latest deliberation, artistic trend, cultural nuances, cross cultural exploration and subsequent innovation of subjects concerned.


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Dr. Martin Q. Amlor
Senior Lecturer, University of Cape Coast, Ghana

"I am humbled by your ability to carry out prompt peer-review of submissions made and doing publications within time schedules outlined; a rare quality which other world Journals ought to copy or learn from you.”

Nnaemeka Uwakwe Itiri
Ph.D. Student, Nigerian Defence Academy, Nigeria

"My publication experience is wonderful and encouraging. Your quick responses to my mails boosted my moral and courage. It kept reminding me that I can do it. I hope to always publish with your esteemed journal as a scholar.”

Dr. Niyati Joshi
Deputy Director, Government of India, India

"This journal giving timely publication with peer reviews and comments in a faster way which helps in planning professional and publication career to a large extent with defined certainty along with the article publication fee also suits to the pocket the professionals/scholars working in government/ universities.”

Volume 12, Issue 9, September 2024

Published: 2024-09-30

Human Resource Data Management Analytics and Employee Retention in Ghana

Diana Anokye-Larbey, Dr. Josphat Kwasira, Dr. Elizabeth Makokha Nambuswa
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24940/theijhss/2024/v12/i9/HS2409-018
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