Determination of Drought Adaptation Capacity and Adaptation Options as an Indicator of Climate Change in Pastoral Production System in Laisamis, Northern Kenya


Jiddah Choke


Pastoral production systems are highly vulnerable to drought due to reliance on climatic factors mainly rainfall in the Arid and Semi Arid Lands. Pastoralists have used various methods to adapt to recurrent droughts and have developed adaptation options. However, the various drought adaptation gaps and options have not been well researched and documented among the pastoral production systems in Northern Kenya. The objectives of the study are to: 1. Determine the levels of adaptation capacity gaps to drought and 2. Identify adaptation options to drought in the pastoral production system. Simple random sampling was used to collect data from 384 householders through questionnaires. 30 indicators of biophysical and socio-economic indicators were used to determine adaptation capacities. Options for drought adaptation was obtained through specific questions in the questionnaire and consultations with community members and experts working on drought adaptation in the study area. Secondary information was collected from relevant research and technical reports and meteorological records. The results show that the key determinants under adaptive capacity were livestock ownership. 63.8 % of the community own 1-20 cattle, 65.1 % own 1- 20 camels, 74.7 % own 1 - 40 goats, 81.5 % own 1 - 40 sheep and 52.1 % own 1-3 donkeys. Other capacity gaps in addressing drought include 54 % unemployment, 82 % had no productive assets, 35.7 % have no access to credit facilities, 93.8% had no formal education, 37 % had no access to extension services, 60.1 % had no access to drought early warning system, 44.3 % did not receive external remittances and 55 % belonged only to one social group while 47 % of women belonged to various women groups. The drought coping strategies used by the pastoral community indicate 60 % as shifting to another site, 27 % as livestock sales, 7 % as famine relief supplies, 4 % as external remittances and 2 % in form of cash savings. The study will help in identify adaptation capacity gaps and inform on the adaptation options for pastoral production systems in Northern Kenya. Adaptation options may be used by development organisations through project interventions.


How to Cite
Choke, J. (2017). Determination of Drought Adaptation Capacity and Adaptation Options as an Indicator of Climate Change in Pastoral Production System in Laisamis, Northern Kenya. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 5(3). Retrieved from