Occupational Health Problems of School Teachers in the Context of Kailali, Nepal


Prayag Joshi


This study attempts to find out the occupational health problems of the school teachers and to determine the causes of those problems of primary level schoolteachers. This paper is based on the descriptive research design. Survey method has used for collecting the necessary information from the schoolteachers. In teaching profession, teachers are feeling physical, mental, psychological pressure in the workplace. Due to lack of healthcare, awareness and facility, modernization and technological development occupational health problems of college teachers is increasing. The teachers are mainly suffering from physical and mental health problems, which are caused due to physical, biological, mechanical, chemical and psychological hazard.


How to Cite
Joshi, P. (2017). Occupational Health Problems of School Teachers in the Context of Kailali, Nepal. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 5(3). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/123434