The Assessment of Energy Efficiency through the Thermal Insulation of Residential Windows in Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa


C. Firman Hon
C. Z. Jonker
K. Mearns
H. Stoffberg


Energy saving window coverings can decrease home heating and cooling costs in a number of ways. Improved insulation reduces heat transfer in both hot and cold weather. This study measure the usefulness of window blankets in lowering the electricity consumption by using low cost ceiling material as window covers. The energy usage of an air-conditioner was measured for different scenarios in a 25m2 room, during the winter season where windows were covered for successive days, un-covered, as well as a setting where window blankets were placed on windows only at night-time. The results indicated an energy saving of 13% (fully covered) and 1.6%-4.5% energy efficiency if only covered at night. These results not only pave possibilities for window blankets in low cost housing in South Africa but indicate the potential in lowering greenhouse gasses in densely populated urban areas.



How to Cite
Hon, C. F., Jonker, C. Z., Mearns, K., & Stoffberg, H. (2017). The Assessment of Energy Efficiency through the Thermal Insulation of Residential Windows in Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 5(3). Retrieved from