Assessing Meaningful Learning with Technologies: Teachers' Role


Jophus Anamuah-Mensah
Elizabeth Amoako-Arhen
Victor King Anyanful


This research employed the qualitative research approach to bring to light how meaningful learning is assessed with technology. The Missouri Assessment Plan (MAP) as well as the Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt University (CTGV) among others were used as illustrative schools under data analysis. Secondary data were combed from books, schools and / or counties which have made use technologies in assessing meaningful learning, then are scholarly journal articles as well as online resources such as the United States Department of Education website etc. The use of technology in the classroom helps quicker synthesizes of materials presented to learners. For instance, some students grasp concepts and skills better by the use of visual aids such as projection screens which are linked to computers could allow learners to see / read their learning materials/ notes instead of listening to a lecturer simply. Class curriculum can be supplemented with the use of software. Study questions, activities, and sometimes tests and quizzes for a class that could be provided by programs to aid students advance learning even outside the classroom. It is hoped that the findings will add to existing literature on the area of study to serve as a reference for future researchers.


How to Cite
Anamuah-Mensah, J., Amoako-Arhen, E., & Anyanful, V. K. (2016). Assessing Meaningful Learning with Technologies: Teachers’ Role. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(3). Retrieved from