Sink Mobility based Clustering Technique for Synchronization in Sensor Networks


R. Manjula
V. Dinesh Kumar


Recent rapid advancements in technology and wide usage of smart devices prompting wireless sensor networks to be an important area for researchers. Wireless sensor networks has wide range of applications say domestic, industrial, military etc. where number of small sensors are deployed to sense the data, making the synchronization an issue as data is to be fused at the destination .In this paper we discuss an time synchronization method along with sink mobility which is based on sender- receiver communication for data fusion purpose. Sink node is provided with endless energy travels along a trajectory and stays at sojourn locations for a while to collect the local-synchronized data among cluster heads. Global synchronization is done with respect to base station thereby increasing the lifetime of the network.


How to Cite
Manjula, R., & Kumar, V. D. (2016). Sink Mobility based Clustering Technique for Synchronization in Sensor Networks. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(4). Retrieved from