Virtual Software Development Teams - Their Organizational Structure, Management Mechanism Involved, Problem Resolution and Decision Making


Suyash Sukthankar
Viditi Agarwal
R. Manjula


This paper seeks to analyze different methods in existence to manage software development teams. It will review a number of other papers that suggest different team management methods and organizational structures in order to give a better understanding of all the issues faced by software development teams, and how to tackle them. The aim of this document is to aid software professionals in making better decisions regarding their software development life cycle processes by providing them with relevant information and know-how. Keeping in mind the recent increase in the number of virtual teams in operation in the software development scenario, this paper will devote a large fraction of its attention towards virtual team management, its organizational structure and methods of problem resolution.


How to Cite
Sukthankar, S., Agarwal, V., & Manjula, R. (2016). Virtual Software Development Teams - Their Organizational Structure, Management Mechanism Involved, Problem Resolution and Decision Making. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(11). Retrieved from