Adjustable Knapsack in Travelling Salesman Problem Using Genetic Process


Andysah Putera Utama Siahaan


In the Travelling Salesman Problem, all of the nodes available must be completely passed. The algorithm searches the optimum value that approaches the fitness demand. Usually, fitness is set to "1". It is impossible to reach the highest fitness, but the genetic process can optimize the fitness value based on the total amount of the population included. There are two targets achieved in the Knapsack method, weight, and node count. The users only determine how many nodes included. The computer pick them randomly. The node represents how many stops will be visited while the weight is the total distance of every node passed until it returns to the starting point. The weight of the chosen nodes should approach the target weight.



How to Cite
Siahaan, A. P. U. (2016). Adjustable Knapsack in Travelling Salesman Problem Using Genetic Process. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(9). Retrieved from