Published: 2018-05-11

Yeast Two-Hybrid Library Screen Reveals Novel Binding Partners of Vps1 and Links Vps1 to a Novel Role in Budding

Bryan T. Banh, Hyoeun McDermott, Michelle Williams, Shiva Kumar Goud Gadila, Kyoungtae Kim

Endoscopic Evaluation in Patients with Dyspepsia at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kumasi, Ghana: A Cross Sectional Study

Mary Y. Afihene, Babatunde M. Duduyemi, Suman Morampudi, Gayathri Balasubramanian, John Amuasi, Isaac Boakye, Anand Patil, Arun Gowda

Reattachment of Fractured Tooth Fragment: A Case Report

Lakkam Ram Surender, Manasa Yarlagadda, Chinthala Manaswini, Somarapu Shashi Prabha

Co-verification of Registers Using UVM RAL

Shraddha Pal, Neeraj Kr. Shukla, Puneet Goel

Prevalence of Physical Hazards in Public Primary Schools in South-West Nigeria

Okandeji-Barry, Oghenenioborue. Rume, Oyewole, Oyediran Emmanuel, Ana, Rowland Godson Godson

Generalized Dual Fibonacci Sequence

Salim Yüce, Fügen Torunbalci Aydin