Factors Associate Unintended Pregnancy and Induce Abortion in a Community, Nepal


Bhuwan Kumari Dangol


Aim: This study aims to find out the factors associate to unintended pregnancy and induce abortion among women.

                Methods: This is descriptive study conducted in Birgunj, Parsa district which lies in center Terai in Nepal. Study population was all women who perform induce abortion. Data was collected by interview method, using non-probability snow balling sampling technique. The sample size was 50 women. Limitation of the study was small sample size. Data were presented in descriptive statistics frequency and percentage only. 

Results: Majority of respondents (46%) was 26-35 years' age group, 72 percent respondents were home maker and 66 percent were literate, among them 39.99 percent had only primary education. Sixty-four present respond lived in rural area.  Most of the respondents had living children (84%) and majority had male and female both sexes children (42.8%). The result indicates that 64 percent respondents heard about FP method, among them only 52 percent used the family planning (FP) methods, which were 42.30 percent used oral pills and condom respectively. Most of respondents did not using any FP method due to fear of side effect (47.36%). Only 12 percent had aware on emergency contraceptive (EC), all respondents who know EC, used oral pills for EC. But none of them used correctly. Seventy percent respondents live with their husband and 92 percent had good relationship with their husband / partner most of respondents said the reason of pregnancy was unprotected sexual relationship. The types of unintended were 52 percent had unwanted and 48 percent had misted time. The reason of abortion was 44 percent said want to postpone child bearing, 28 percent said want no more children, 12 percent were single status and other had relationship problem with partner, disturb in education respectively (4%).

Conclusion: The associate factors of unintended pregnancy and induce abortion were multiple. They were unable to plan for pregnancy, not using FP method properly and the reason of abortion were limiting the family size, postpone the child birth and economic reason as well as relationship problems with husband.


How to Cite
Dangol, B. K. (2016). Factors Associate Unintended Pregnancy and Induce Abortion in a Community, Nepal. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 4(12). Retrieved from http://internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijst/article/view/124056