Knots of Ebola: Intelligence of Composite Mathematical Product ‘DNA'


Rojukurthi Sudhakar Rao


The Virus  Ebola  from  forest  monkeys  entered   human cells  on mere  object  to  object  mingling with surface tension  enabled  instantaneous  dispersal  of  the  lightest  viruses  from  river surfaces .

Ebola's   genetic  DNA   tip  to  molecular biologists  and  consulting  mathematicians  led to  composite mathematical  product --  Knot  Theory  when  the  unwary biologists  shocked  by   the  whys  &  hows   of  naughty  and  naked  dancing  of  the  knotted   DNA  on spotted  topologies  .

Provoked  by the  global  proportions  of  mathematical  roots  of  globalization -- no matter  Ebola or terrorism  or  resurrection of cold  war between  America  and  Russia  who are not even  neighbors with  registered  enmities but heading  global  competition  commissions ,  this  piece   of  self-directed  "quotient -research –latent”  unpacks  the  Ebola  terminator  reincarnated  as  global  virus  moving  far  beyond the confines of  physical  evolution in the river Ebola  in order  to  unforget   the human  race  alert  of  the  UNO  Headquarters  notifying  all  sovereign  state  powers – nuclear  or unclear   of   ebola--danger –level   across  the  global   societies .

 Chartering  extrasensory  abilities  , this  Paper  aims  at  lighting  the universal  research  bodies  busy  with  the  e-compounded  governance  of  e-times  playing  back  the  forgotten  and  forgiven  Ebola dancing   knots  and   the   differential   viral  hyperspheres  detrimentally  ajar  in  our   spaceage .               



How to Cite
Rao, R. S. (2014). Knots of Ebola: Intelligence of Composite Mathematical Product ‘DNA’. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(13). Retrieved from