From Geometry-Free & Number-Free Shadowgraphy to Pro-Active Symiosis


Rojukurthi Sudhakar Rao


That  Mathematics  is  relentless  is widely  exposed  for  it  took 358 years to knock out the Fermat's Last Theorem    an + bn = cn    when n > 2 .  His Excellency  Andrew Wiles ,  did solve it admitting that  he had a certain  marvelous  revelation  and  in a flash found the missing key  to an obstruction  to conclusively prove  that theorem . Does revelation  and  flash  signify time and space  , respectively ? This question energises one's mind  and  reminds  us of  Albert Einstein . The answer is that  revelation  and flash  do signify  time and space  , respectively ,  giving us the  absolute result , the end of the Theorem  . According to Einstein , time and space are not absolute concepts . They being  relative .  Signification  is  material  . Here my  problem is not  Cosmosis  but  Semiosis till the last in this Paper  which the Author  discovered  as  the pro-active  Semiosis  operating  in a hidden manner  in everybody  with exception for  nobody and that's  how  Mathematics  in its various colors-- Geometry, Number Theory, Aritthmatics  & Graph Theory,  semiotically shining with Mathematicians exemplary .

This Paper  has no public-shy  to tell  in all its loudest voice that  so far  Mathematics  has  ignored  ‘Shades  and Shadows'   in their combined form , ‘Shadowgraphy ‘ (coined by the Author)   which contributed  robustly to emergence of  beginnings of  mathematical  association  in  Geometry  &  Number Theory . Having  explored so , a dutiful attempt  is  made  enroute  to establishing  the  inklings of  Semiosis  and  Semiologicalisation  remained  unexpressive  in the great minds of  Pythagorus  &  Fermat  , centuries apart  themselves  but  ceded  as a pair  in the  tenets  of  the  Number Theory. The research-study  with reference-work  into the pro-active  Semiosis gave an  independent  result , say  Dreamography (coined by the Author)  presented  in a smooth  run-over .


How to Cite
Rao, R. S. (2014). From Geometry-Free & Number-Free Shadowgraphy to Pro-Active Symiosis. The International Journal of Science & Technoledge, 2(12). Retrieved from